
Our students come from all kinds of backgrounds but they are all ambitious and eager to engage, accelerate and succeed. When they utilize the tools they gain from the classroom and the real world, success is guaranteed.

Granado took advantage of Strome's online program and completed classes remotely from Arizona. Due to her husband's military status and constantly relocating across the country, she needed a program that was flexible and affordable. That ultimately led her to the MBA program at Strome.
The road was longer than he anticipated. His college journey had not followed the traditional path that most students take, but now he is one of the best in his class. After high school, he attended Tidewater 社区 College, Blue Ridge 社区 College and then James Madison University where he was forced to drop out in 2012 due to struggling with addiction.
This was the semester I decided to take two classes. As a full-time local government employee balancing my time is a daily challenge, but as I approached the half-way mark through my program, I thought I can do this! Mid-way through the semester the COVID-19 pandemic hit.
Being a student athlete at Old Dominion University has taught me so many valuable life lessons, and it has been no different during this time of uncertainty in our world.
每年, the ODU Chapter of The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi awards a scholarship to one student from each of the academic colleges and a distance learning student.
The spring 2020 semester began with all the usual challenges and excitement one would expect for any graduating senior. I do not think any of us could have expected or fully planned for the dramatic sequence of events that subsequently unfolded.