
ODU is Partnered with 握手


Having access to online platforms that can assist you with your career exploration and job search is important. ODU Career Development 服务s is excited to introduce you to 握手, a powerful and exclusive platform that will help you achieve your professional goals.

If you are a current ODU student we have already created an account for you - all you have to do is log in with your ODU MIDAS ID and password to activate your account.

握手 is your one-stop-shop for all things career. 你可以...

  • 应用 for jobs/internships
  • Get noticed by employers and find out when they post new jobs
  • Register for in-person and virtual career fairs, workshops, employer info sessions and networking events
  • We will send you tailored e-newsletters based on your major and career interests

With 握手 we are connecting ODU employers, 学生, and alumni through part-time, internship, entry-level, and professional opportunities.